Three Secrets to Success


Do you ever feel like you are being pulled so many different directions, and you don't know what to focus on?
I sure feel this way at times, and I appreciate being able to look to examples in my life of people that live life with a lot of focus and intentionality.

One example of razor sharp focus in my life is my grandpa, David Green. This guy is seriously focused. This will blow your mind:
-My grandpa doesn't have a computer.
-He doesn't have an email address
-He doesn't even have a CELL PHONE!

Now, I am not saying that having those things is a bad idea. It's actually probably quite helpful to have those things for your work. But the point is, my grandpa has seen success without those things, and he is able to stay focused because he keeps out the distractions.

"Wherever you are, be all there." -Jim Elliot

He focuses on the things that are most important, like faith, family and his business, Hobby Lobby. He doesn't let things get him sidetracked. This takes a lot discipline in a world where we all have so many different opportunities in front of us. We all have so many things pulling for our attention.

How can you keep focused in life? Here are some questions I have been working through:

  • What are the most important things in your life?

  • What are the areas of life that you want to influence or impact in your lifetime?

  • Who are the lives that are most important to you?

These may not be easy to answer right away unless you have already spent time thinking through them. Take time to process through these, and write down your answers. Don't get bogged down by feeling so committed to your answers. Write them in pencil. They can always change as life continues forward.

It took a lot of time for me to process through those questions for my life. I spent time in prayer, in the Bible, and in conversation with those close to me.

Once you have your answers, invest only in things that can help develops those important people and goals.


Lauren McAfee